15 January 2013
Dear Fellow Phase 1 Residents,
Since the implementation of the wave access card, we have received
quite a number of complaints from our subscribers having difficulty in using
the wave access card to enter and exit our guarded neighbourhood scheme.
We are pleased to inform pursuant to the complaints we deliberated
the issues with the contractor. The primary source of the problem lies with
vehicles with heavy windscreen tint, i.e: Windscreen Tints that have high level
of metal content will have problem with the present wave access card.
The contactor has proposed that vehicles with heavy tint to use
Active Wave Access Card which will overcome the present problem. Several
committee members carried a trial run using the Active Wave Access card which
has proven to be successful.
TDP1RA therefore would like to propose that all subscribers facing
problem using the present wave access card to apply to get their cards replaced
and pay the differential amount to obtain the new card.
Each Active Wave Access Cards is priced at RM 100.00 per card. Existing
wave access card holders will be required to surrender to card and pay the
difference amount of RM 70.00 per card to obtain the new active wave access
Please contact the security patrolling officer, guard on duty at
guard post or else Mr. Wong Chiew Pin to collect the replacement application