Sunday, 16 September 2012

Proposed Permanent Closure of Jalan Desa Aman- Sabotaged

To All Subscriber Residents,

All you are aware, pursuant to the submission of the above proposal to Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (“DBKL”) and other relevant authorities in August 2012, we had subsequently put in place several barricades (12), warning cones (13) and one (1) iron sign board at Jalan Desa Aman (“Post 2”) effective 01st September 2012.

However, to our surprise on Tuesday morning of 11th September 2012, the Enforcement Unit of DBKL came without notice to confiscate all the above-mentioned items into their truck, and without even informing any of the Committee members.

This was done despite the efforts by several Committee members who had earlier on 5th of September 2012 obtained an assurance from the DBKL Cawangan Seputeh that the summons will be channeled to the respective unit for cancellation since the Association had submitted the proposal for permanent closure. For your information, the summons was issued by a new Supervisor who just reported for duty the day before to Cawangan Seputeh and apparently the matter was not informed to higher authority. The Cawangan Seputeh DBKL Manager has confirmed that he was not aware about the issuance notice of compound and summon.

On the same afternoon of 11 September, several Committee members met up with the Director of Enforcement DBKL (Pengarah Penguatkuasaan DBKL at his Jalan Tun Razak Office) to obtain clarification on the confiscation. Apparently, it transpired that there were lots of mis-communication between the various DBKL Units and “intervention” by various parties within our Taman Desa neighbour-hood who hid behind anonymous identities to make public complaints (so called “Aduan Awam”) on our Security Scheme and various initiatives. It looks like they are having personal vendetta and interest to see the scheme to collapse. Nevertheless, the Director agreed to cancel the summons and to return forthwith the confiscated items to the Association, and to make efforts to coordinate with the various DBKL Units in order to ensure that this kind of incident will not happen again.

On Wednesday morning of 12th September, DBKL returned the confiscated items to us, except for the iron sign board for which we will make a claim against DBKL since we had photographic evidence that their officers had loaded the same on the truck.

In order to minimize or even prevent possible future attacks on our Security Scheme, we will be embarking on several public relations and negotiation efforts with interested parties and higher Authorities to ensure that the safety and security of the residents are given utmost priorities. We genuinely believe that with better cooperation and understanding from all stakeholders, we should be able to serve the interests of community in the spirit of Muhibbah and a truly united 1Malaysia.

Should you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact any of the Committee Members for a discussion.



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