Friday, 25 March 2011


Dear Fellow Phase 1 Residents,

We are pleased to inform that the new Residents Association has received blessing and approval from Registrar of Society (ROS) on 23rd March 2011. This is a momentous event in the history of Taman Desa. The events and circumstances leading to the formation of TDP1RA we believe, has been adequately addressed in a Circular to Taman Desa Phase 1 residents dated 19 March 2011 which has been circulated. Further information or updates can be obtained at our blog

We sincerely hope that the Official Registration of TDP1RA will be accepted in good faith by all residents of Taman Desa and we ALL move forward in the interest of the community. We take this opportunity to introduce to you the Pro tem Office bearers of TDP1RA as follows:

Mr. Jack Lew Sau Kuan
Vice President
Mr. Sambanthan
Mr. Shan Gnasalingam
Asst. Secretary
Ms. Beatrice Andy
Mr. Ching Eng Seong
Asst. Treasurer
Dr. Melanie Yeoh

Moving ahead, the first order of business is to normalize the Guarded Neighbourhood Security Scheme for Phase 1. With the formation of new Residents Association (RA) to look after the interest and well being of residents in Phase 1 Taman Desa, we the officer bearers of Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association hereby give assurance that the Guarded Security Scheme will continue and will now be managed by us. We shall be writing officially to TDRA for the return and reinstallation of all CCTV Equipment (paid for by Phase 1 residents) that they had removed and also entering into a fresh Security Service Contract to ensure continuity of the Scheme effective 1 April 2011.

In addition to the above, we shall be working towards the re-implementation of the Security SOP which was interrupted. This will include a detailed review of the Security Terms of Reference to ensure that we get the best possible levels of Security Services. Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Taman Desa (KRTTD) will be invited to participate in whatever possible capacity as the KRTTD is conferred Auxiliary Police Powers under the Voluntary Patrolling Scheme (SRS).

It is noteworthy to remind you that the KRRTD gazette area is EXACTLY the same as PHASE 1 Taman Desa. Under such circumstances, the RA which is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) should take advantage to work hand in hand with KRTTD which is a recognized Government Agency in the interest of the community.

Secondly, with the formation of TDP1RA, we urge you to join the Association. YOUR participation as a MEMBER is necessary for TDP1RA to be strong and effectively represent the interests of the Residents of Phase 1 Taman Desa. Membership in TDP1RA is open to ALL RESIDENTS of Phase 1 Taman Desa. Dual or multiple Residents Association membership is ACCEPTED UNCONDITIONALLY by TDP1RA as we recognize that residents may have more than one residence i.e. homes outside Phase 1 Taman Desa. Membership to TDP1RA is as follows:

Membership Category
Entrance Fee
Annual Subscription
ORDINARY MEMBER (individual)
LIFE MEMBER (Individual)

To make it easy for you, we attach the following forms for your further action:

1.      Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association (TDP1RA) Membership Application Form
2.      Guarded Neighbourhood Security Scheme Subscription Form

Both forms once completed can be dropped off together with your cheques with the respective Street Leaders listed.

We take this opportunity to also thank all residents of Phase 1 who have supported us in form and/or in spirit to make this possible. For all those volunteers who have been working hard on the ground with unwavering spirit and tenacity, it has been a very tiring and painful journey to reach this important milestone. The truth is, this is just the beginning. There is still a lot of work to be done and we do not want a repeat of past mistakes.

We look forward to your continued support. Since we started, we welcome participation in our dialogues and discussions. This policy and practice shall continue. To make it effective and transparent, we have started a blog for you to refer. We hope that we can setup a website in time to come to have a cyberspace community for the exchange of ideas and suggestions.

Thank you

Yours faithfully


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