Thursday, 31 March 2011


31st March 2011: We understand that there have been certain individuals from Phase 1 going around "lobbying" residents to subscribe to TDRA's Security Scheme.

We wish to remind that the Registrar of Societies (ROS) decision to register TDP1RA effectively means TDRA ceases all jurisdictions over Phase 1 hence any security services offered by TDRA cannot possibly be carried out for Phase 1 effective 1 April 2011.

The Security Service Provider for Phase 1 WILL NOT RESPOND to any residence who do not subscribe to TDP1RA Security Services and TDP1RA cannot and will not be responsible for any failure of TDRA's Security Service provider.

Please remind your friends, relatives and neighbours of the demarcation approved by the Registrar of Societies. As such we urge all respect the decision and not to do anything to the contrary that may jeopardize the successful implementation of the security scheme. The Committee welcome comments and is ever willing to meet and deliberate matters of significant interest and impact to the community.

TDP1RA Committee


  1. Lets all of us keep an eye of this Lobbyists. If anyone happens to bum into this people than we will post their details in this blogspot so that others can beware of them and avoid communicating.

    Phase 1 Loyalist

  2. Seriously!!! Have these people's mind been so badly poisoned that they still cannot see the truth with all the evidence posted on this blog??!
    Anyone with some intelligence can see who is doing all the work to ensure there is proper security, and who is doing all they can to get rid of the existing security provider, for reasons beyond comprehension!

  3. Hi, calm down... you are dealing with a vindictive character who will go all the way to torpedo/derail/sabotage the formation of a good security system in Phase 1. Highly spiteful but intelligent, he knowns it'll never be successful with 2 security systems in place! His aim is to destroy and split phase 1 community spirit in particular and the whole TD community in general....just for personal vendetta. Being a smooth talker, some of us might fall under his spells and work on his side with his very personal agenda to cause tremendous harm to our community!
