Wednesday, 30 March 2011

TDP1RA Street Leaders have started membership recruitment & subscription collection

29TH March 2011: We are pleased to announce that TDP1RA Street Leaders have started membership recruitment & subscription collection. As of today we have received over 30 Life Membership & Subscription payments for period starting 01/04/2011 onward.

Except for 2 residents who paid half yearly subscription, the rest paid yearly payment of which discount of one (1) month subscription given.

We hope to receive at least 100 Subscribers by 5th April 2011 and to achieve at least 80% by end of April 2011. Street Leaders will be coming around to meet you and please feel free to ask them for any clarification. TDP1RA will be organizing Phase 1 Residents Briefing / Dialogue sometime in April 2011 to present what plans are on the pipeline as well as to receive any feedback or suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Very encouraging news indeed! We hope the new RA will be more focus on the security issues of phase 1 residents in particular and the neighborhood in general.
    Congratulations to the new committee and all the committed residents! A hard job well done!!!
