Monday, 2 April 2012


Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association (TDP1RA)

Dear Members

On behalf of the Committee, we are pleased to present our Report for the period from 22 March 2011, being our Official Date of Registration to 31 December 2011.

It has been a very eventful period of slightly more than 9 months for the period under review and by the time we receive and put this Report to a vote TDP1RA would have just turned ONE YEAR OLD!

We are a very young Association for the oldest section of Taman Desa which saw its first residents in 1977, some 35 years ago. However in the very short period of existence, we are pleased to see and report some very positivities reflected by the espirit-de-corp demonstrated by members and residents alike.


Membership of the Association as at 31 Dec 2011 is as follows:

Life Members
Ordinary Members

On behalf of the Committee, we thank the members for their support. Considering the circumstances which the Committee had to face during the early months, the membership number is commendable as it is approximately 20% of the number of residential units covered by TDP1RA.

Nevertheless, we look forward to increasing the membership as we hope to get as high a participation as possible in the Association’s activities and Programs.


The Guarded Security Scheme was the primary impetus for the establishment of TDP1RA following disagreements with TDRA over the management of the scheme. When we took over from TDRA, we were faced with many inadequacies. CCTV cameras and equipment were removed by TDRA on grounds of security but nevertheless till to-date not returned. Committee members and well-wishers contributed to make good the shortage of equipment as well as repairing items that has been damaged due to wear & tear.

We are pleased to put on record that we have not received any reports of break-ins or cases of security to any of our subscribers’ residences since 1 April 2010 when the Scheme was introduced to what was known as Phase 1A.

DBKL had invited TDP1RA among 25 Residents Association in WPKL for a discussion and dialog on the Guarded Security Scheme. This was widely covered by The Malay Mail. We are pleased to inform that DBKL has since agreed to review the entire matter to look at each scheme on its own as DBKL agreed that there is not “one size fit all” in this matter.

During the year, Taman Desa regrettably was in the limelight for the wrong reasons. The reported break-ins and the legality of the Scheme made headlines. This had led to numerous open debates to the extent of Civil Action being instituted.

It is regrettable that disagreements had led to such a situation. TDP1RA WAS NEVER a party directly or indirectly to the Civil Action. It was and remains a private matter which, we understand was sensationalized by uninformed and misinformed residents as well as parties with vested interests.

However, we are pleased to inform that as at the time writing this report, we have been made to understand that they have reached a resolution to the matter. For this, we congratulate them for their magnanimity and appreciation of the need to minimize if not eliminate animosity so that harmony prevails.

We have changed Security Service Provider 3 times since the Scheme started. The Committee has taken a view that we must not compromise on our standards hence the need to change when the Service Provider fails to perform. We continue to pursue and insist on using Malaysian nationals as Security Personnel.

However, we need to appreciate that the Cost of Security will inevitably increase as time passes. As it is, we are paying RM6.36 per hour inclusive of 6% Govt Service Tax. This rate is well below the Government prescribed rate of RM7.95 per hour.

To mitigate the inevitable, we hope that there will be as many Subscribers as possible as the larger number arithmetically will lower individual costs. However, this has its limits and as such the Committee is looking and evaluating ways and means for the Association to generate income to partly if not substantially subsidize the overall Security Costs.


Despite the responsibility of ensuring the Security Scheme operates effectively, the Committee managed to organized the following events during the period:

3.1.  Setting –up a Blog

One the first Projects undertaken was the setting up of our Blog This is a FIRST TIME for us as we have many talented writers and we now have a blog of our own to keep members of  the Community updated via the virtual world.

We also see the Blog as a necessity to keep pace with not just technology by also the changing profile of residents of Phase 1 Taman Desa. We also see the Blog as an important tool to improve transparency and improve the speed of information flow.

3.2.  High Level Community Policing

This was carried out with the support of the Brickfields District Police. This event was led by the Deputy OCPD, Pn Aida. The event was a success and further bridged the relationship of TDP1RA with the local Police.

3.3.  Hari Raya Puasa Get Together with Local Authorities i.e. Alam Flora, Police, Bomba, Pos Malaysia, Indah Water etc.

This event was held after Hari Raya Puasa for the Local Authorities to get to know each other as well as building up relationships. A total of 100 people attended this function held at the Taman Desa Playground Basketball court.

3.4.  Community Service & Assistance

The Committee was involved in several instances liaising with Local Authorities i.e. DBKL, TNB, Bomba during power outages as well as clearing of trees which fell during a thunderstorm (Jalan Desa Permai).

All these instances and events are reported in our Blog together with photographs.

At the forthcoming Inaugural Annual General Meeting of the Association, there will be an election of Office Bearers for the next 2 terms. We look forward to seeing new members coming forth to offer themselves for election to the Committee as several of us shall be retiring and not seeking re-election.

For those of us not seeking re-election to the Committee the reason is simple, age is not on our side for some and for the others, it is time to move on as the tour of duty has come to an end.

Our deepest gratitude and appreciation goes to the Committee Members who have served so unselfishly and to our members for your trust and support.

Thank you
S. GNASALINGAM                                                                Ir. JACK LEW SAU KUAN
Secretary                                                                              President

Dated: 10 March 2012

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