19 JULY 2011
On 7 July 2011, Harian Metro had implied in its news report under the heading “ Menyusahkan…” that the Guraded Security Scheme managed by Taman Desa Phase 1 Association (TDP1RA) is illegal and an inconvenience to residents living in the area.
On 16 July 2011, Harian Metro published another story on the same subject matter stating that the closure of roads with guards is to deter crime. This report was published after Harian Metro obtained feedback from TDP1RA.
On 16 July 2011, Sin Chew Jit Poh reported in a headline that 6 burglaries in 3 weeks had occurred in Taman Desa. The news report also featured a photo and statement by the President of Taman Desa Residents Association (TDRA) who claimed that these break-ins / burglary are work of people who are carrying out contracting work and/or even live within the community.
Today, 19 July 2011, Malay Mail Hotline acting on a Public Complaint reported under the heading “Access blocked” stating that 4 out of 6 access points to Phase 1 Taman Desa are blocked.
In the same day’s publication, Malay Mail carried a news report under the heading in its main new section “Community Policing at Taman Desa Phase 1 Lauded”.
This Official Press Release serves to provide clarity on the above subject matters which has omitted certain material information and/or contain certain inaccuracies.
1. Taman Desa is housing estate that development started in 1975 and first occupancy was in 1977.
2. Taman Desa geographically is divided into 2 Phases demarcated by Faber Plaza, the Commercial Centre. Phase 2 development started in 1978 and was ready for occupancy in 1979
3. Taman Desa Residents Association (TDRA) was formed in 1977, primarily by Phase 1 residents of that time.
4. Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association (TDP1RA) was formed on 23 March 2011. The formation of TDP1RA essentially places Phase 1 Taman Desa under the jurisdiction of TDP1RA.
5. Phase 1 Taman Desa has a total of 384 units of landed dwellings. Phase 2 has 574.
6. There are 6 entry points into the “inner cluster” Phase 1.
7. There are also 6 entry points into the “inner cluster” of Phase 2.
8. TDRA had initiated a Mobile Patrolling program for Taman Desa which discontinued in 2009 in Phase 1 and July 2010 in Phase 2. The discontinuation was attributed to lack of subscription (Phase 1) and ineffectiveness (Phase 2). During the mobile patrolling scheme, robberies, muggings, break-ins, car thefts and other petty crimes continued to be rampant.
9. In April 2010 at the initiative of several residents and under the auspices of TDRA, Phase 1 started a pilot Guarded Community scheme covering 3 streets within the inner circle of Phase 1. This Pilot scheme was successful and by 15 July 2010, this scheme was extended to the whole of Taman Desa.
10.Due to manpower issues, Phase 2 on 8 September 2011 decided to go with guards of foreign nationality whilst Phase 1 residents insisted on using guards of Malaysian nationality. This was the beginning of a series of conflicts due to the differing opinion as to how the Guarded Community Security Scheme should operate.
11.DBKL following the issuance of Guidelines on Guarded and Gated Communities by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government in September 2010 requires ALL Guarded Security Scheme come under the auspices of a Residents Association.
12.Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Taman Desa (KRTTD) was formed in December 2011 to complement the Guarded Security Scheme managed by TDRA which, Phase 1 residents feel was inadequate.
13.Matters reached an impasse in January 2010. Several Phase 1 residents then went on to register for the formation of Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association with the primary objective of taking over the management of the Phase 1 Guarded Community Scheme.
14.TDP1RA was officially registered on 23 March 2011.
15.TDP1RA IMMEDIATELY went to the ground to secure residents’ support for the Guarded Security Scheme which TDRA had attempted to abandon on grounds of “lack of subscription & financial support”.
16.Between 23 March 2011 and 30 Jun 2011, TDP1RA secured over Between 23 March 2011 and 30 Jun 2011, TDP1RA secured over 60% residences’ subscription to the Guarded Community Scheme. The number has since grown to above 70% and growing.
17.The Official Crime Record for Taman Desa Phase 1 shows that since 1 April 2010 till 22 March 2011, there was only ONE incident of crime and that too – involved a NON-SUBSCIBER. From 23 March 2011 to present, there have been ZERO incidences of crime.
18.TDP1RA holds to the following principles:
a. Residents Safety and Security is its primary objective.
b. Pro-active in implementing Security and Safety Programs by ENGAGING ALL relevant authorities.
c. Community building is essential towards a Safe and Secure environment for residents
d. All efforts must be demonstrated by ACTION.
19.Prior to introducing the Guarded Security Scheme, TDP1RA had engaged and sought the support of the Police, Bomba and the local Medical Centre.
20.With the support obtained, TDP1RA submitted its Official Application to DBKL in March 2011 seeking for the validation of the Guarded Security Scheme. Please note that DBKL formed its JPKK only on 14 June 2011.
21.Every guard post in Phase 1 is equipped with 4 nos. CCTV cameras linked to a digital recording system. All posts are also well lit with lights coming on from 7.00pm till 7.00am.
22.ALL guard posts are manned between 6.00am and 10.00pm. At any one time, there are 2 security officers equipped with motorbikes for patrolling and emergency response.
23.TDP1RA closes 4 out of 6 entrances from 10.00pm till 6.00am. The entrances are closed WITH clear signage and are NEVER locked.
24.Subscribers are identified by having a Security Surveillance Tag placed at the gate and cars are issued with stickers.
25.Vehicles without stickers entering the guarded area are required to stop and verified before being allowed into the guarded area. Verification involves having the license plate recorded as well as for the CCTV to capture the image of vehicle entering.
26.TDP1RA welcomes Bona Fide visitors to Phase 1 Taman Desa. TDP1RA :
a. Does NOT bar anyone from entering the guarded area unless there is evidence of malicious intent.
b. Works closely with all relevant agencies.
c. Works based on the voice of the majority.
d. Works with a holistic view of creating a safe and secure neighborhood and community building.
e. Believes that people / person(s) / groups who have selfish and/or malicious intentions would want to see the “opening up” of Phase 1 to criminal and/or mischievous elements.
27.The performance and crime incidents as reported by the press speak for itself. TDP1RA will continue to strive for a Crime Free Phase 1
With the above, we trust that the Press and Public in general will have a clearer perspective of the actual situation. We hope that the Press will provide a fair and balanced report in this matter.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
19 July 2011
19 JULY 2011
On 7 July 2011, Harian Metro had implied in its news report under the heading “ Menyusahkan…” that the Guraded Security Scheme managed by Taman Desa Phase 1 Association (TDP1RA) is illegal and an inconvenience to residents living in the area.
On 16 July 2011, Harian Metro published another story on the same subject matter stating that the closure of roads with guards is to deter crime. This report was published after Harian Metro obtained feedback from TDP1RA.
On 16 July 2011, Sin Chew Jit Poh reported in a headline that 6 burglaries in 3 weeks had occurred in Taman Desa. The news report also featured a photo and statement by the President of Taman Desa Residents Association (TDRA) who claimed that these break-ins / burglary are work of people who are carrying out contracting work and/or even live within the community.
Today, 19 July 2011, Malay Mail Hotline acting on a Public Complaint reported under the heading “Access blocked” stating that 4 out of 6 access points to Phase 1 Taman Desa are blocked.
In the same day’s publication, Malay Mail carried a news report under the heading in its main new section “Community Policing at Taman Desa Phase 1 Lauded”.
This Official Press Release serves to provide clarity on the above subject matters which has omitted certain material information and/or contain certain inaccuracies.
1. Taman Desa is housing estate that development started in 1975 and first occupancy was in 1977.
2. Taman Desa geographically is divided into 2 Phases demarcated by Faber Plaza, the Commercial Centre. Phase 2 development started in 1978 and was ready for occupancy in 1979
3. Taman Desa Residents Association (TDRA) was formed in 1977, primarily by Phase 1 residents of that time.
4. Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association (TDP1RA) was formed on 23 March 2011. The formation of TDP1RA essentially places Phase 1 Taman Desa under the jurisdiction of TDP1RA.
5. Phase 1 Taman Desa has a total of 384 units of landed dwellings. Phase 2 has 574.
6. There are 6 entry points into the “inner cluster” Phase 1.
7. There are also 6 entry points into the “inner cluster” of Phase 2.
8. TDRA had initiated a Mobile Patrolling program for Taman Desa which discontinued in 2009 in Phase 1 and July 2010 in Phase 2. The discontinuation was attributed to lack of subscription (Phase 1) and ineffectiveness (Phase 2). During the mobile patrolling scheme, robberies, muggings, break-ins, car thefts and other petty crimes continued to be rampant.
9. In April 2010 at the initiative of several residents and under the auspices of TDRA, Phase 1 started a pilot Guarded Community scheme covering 3 streets within the inner circle of Phase 1. This Pilot scheme was successful and by 15 July 2010, this scheme was extended to the whole of Taman Desa.
10.Due to manpower issues, Phase 2 on 8 September 2011 decided to go with guards of foreign nationality whilst Phase 1 residents insisted on using guards of Malaysian nationality. This was the beginning of a series of conflicts due to the differing opinion as to how the Guarded Community Security Scheme should operate.
11.DBKL following the issuance of Guidelines on Guarded and Gated Communities by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government in September 2010 requires ALL Guarded Security Scheme come under the auspices of a Residents Association.
12.Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Taman Desa (KRTTD) was formed in December 2011 to complement the Guarded Security Scheme managed by TDRA which, Phase 1 residents feel was inadequate.
13.Matters reached an impasse in January 2010. Several Phase 1 residents then went on to register for the formation of Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association with the primary objective of taking over the management of the Phase 1 Guarded Community Scheme.
14.TDP1RA was officially registered on 23 March 2011.
15.TDP1RA IMMEDIATELY went to the ground to secure residents’ support for the Guarded Security Scheme which TDRA had attempted to abandon on grounds of “lack of subscription & financial support”.
16.Between 23 March 2011 and 30 Jun 2011, TDP1RA secured over Between 23 March 2011 and 30 Jun 2011, TDP1RA secured over 60% residences’ subscription to the Guarded Community Scheme. The number has since grown to above 70% and growing.
17.The Official Crime Record for Taman Desa Phase 1 shows that since 1 April 2010 till 22 March 2011, there was only ONE incident of crime and that too – involved a NON-SUBSCIBER. From 23 March 2011 to present, there have been ZERO incidences of crime.
18.TDP1RA holds to the following principles:
a. Residents Safety and Security is its primary objective.
b. Pro-active in implementing Security and Safety Programs by ENGAGING ALL relevant authorities.
c. Community building is essential towards a Safe and Secure environment for residents
d. All efforts must be demonstrated by ACTION.
19.Prior to introducing the Guarded Security Scheme, TDP1RA had engaged and sought the support of the Police, Bomba and the local Medical Centre.
20.With the support obtained, TDP1RA submitted its Official Application to DBKL in March 2011 seeking for the validation of the Guarded Security Scheme. Please note that DBKL formed its JPKK only on 14 June 2011.
21.Every guard post in Phase 1 is equipped with 4 nos. CCTV cameras linked to a digital recording system. All posts are also well lit with lights coming on from 7.00pm till 7.00am.
22.ALL guard posts are manned between 6.00am and 10.00pm. At any one time, there are 2 security officers equipped with motorbikes for patrolling and emergency response.
23.TDP1RA closes 4 out of 6 entrances from 10.00pm till 6.00am. The entrances are closed WITH clear signage and are NEVER locked.
24.Subscribers are identified by having a Security Surveillance Tag placed at the gate and cars are issued with stickers.
25.Vehicles without stickers entering the guarded area are required to stop and verified before being allowed into the guarded area. Verification involves having the license plate recorded as well as for the CCTV to capture the image of vehicle entering.
26.TDP1RA welcomes Bona Fide visitors to Phase 1 Taman Desa. TDP1RA :
a. Does NOT bar anyone from entering the guarded area unless there is evidence of malicious intent.
b. Works closely with all relevant agencies.
c. Works based on the voice of the majority.
d. Works with a holistic view of creating a safe and secure neighborhood and community building.
e. Believes that people / person(s) / groups who have selfish and/or malicious intentions would want to see the “opening up” of Phase 1 to criminal and/or mischievous elements.
27.The performance and crime incidents as reported by the press speak for itself. TDP1RA will continue to strive for a Crime Free Phase 1
With the above, we trust that the Press and Public in general will have a clearer perspective of the actual situation. We hope that the Press will provide a fair and balanced report in this matter.
Thank you
Yours faithfully
19 July 2011
Dear Committee Members Phase 1,
ReplyDeletePlease consider taking over the security services for Phase 2 as well. My auntie and cousins are so fed up with the recent spate of robberies here. Perhaps we should start a campaign to lobby for your volunteer works.
We dont see Phase 2 RA engaging you guys for advice & input, contrary to what they stated early this year, ie. to work hand in hand to build the Taman Desa community.
Any volunteers from Phase 2 ??