Access blocked
Only two of six entrances to Taman Desa Phase One open, say residents
Faizal Nor Izham
Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 10:19:00

CHECKPOINT: One of the entrances into Taman Desa, manned by guards — Pics: Arif Kartono
TAMAN Desa Phase One residents are facing a problem because only two of the six entrances to their neighbourhood are open.
This follows a split among the residents of Taman Desa, which led to the formation of a separate residents association (RA) for Phase One.

LINA KOH, a 45-year-old accountant, says that previously, all the entrances to Taman Desa were open and security guards patrolled the entire housing area around the clock.
However, problems arose in March when several members of the RA started to question the fees for the security guards and decided to form a separate RA.
The new RA took over control of Taman Desa Phase One, which forms half the neighbourhood, and closed four of the entrances to cut costs.
Now, residents fear for their safety in case of an emergency.
Says KOH: "We are concerned about what would happen, such as in the case of a fire or when there is a need for an ambulance, with only two entrances open.
"Our children are also late for school because some residents have to travel a greater distance around the neighbourhood in order to exit."
KOH says there there are only 11 guards patrolling Phase One -- seven from 6am to 10pm and four from 10pm to 6am.
She says that according to the law, RAs are not allowed to do close the entrances and exits at any housing area.
"What makes the the new RA think they have the right to close four of the entrances?"
She also says the RA gives a one-month discount for residents who pay up their annual fees in one go.
"RA's should not be handling financial matters this way," says KOH.
● CITY HALL Corporate Communications Unit head Anwar Mohammad Zain says the request for neighbourhood guards in Taman Desa was on April 1, 2010.
However, approval for guardhouses was only for three of Taman Desa's access roads -- Jalan Desa Damai, Jalan Desa Ria and Jalan Desa Permai.
Guardhouses for the roads leading into Jalan Desa Aman, Jalan Desa Setia and Jalan Desa Murni have yet to be approved.
In the meantime, Anwar says, conditions set by the approvals do not allow any obstacles to remain on these entrances until guards have been allocated for them.
"As a result, action will be taken against any such obstacles," he says.
Anwar says the Neighbourhood Coordination and Control Committee (JPKK), established on June 14 this year and chaired by the City Hall director-general, is carrying out a screening programme for all areas that are yet to be approved.
"Any remaining structural barriers and booths will not be allowed, he tells Hotline.
When reached for comments, KOH expresses satisfaction with City Hall's response Comments
Ms Lina Koh, Please get your-->
Ms Lina Koh, Please get your statement correct. This closure of 4 entrances from 10pm to 6.00am is been there for almost 1 year. It was there during the time TDRA (Taman Desa Residents Association) was managing the security scheme itself. How come you been a resident of Phase 1 is not aware of this? It’s really very surprising. The split from TDRA to form TDP1RA have never resulted in the closure as you claim. Please get your facts correct.
FYI, the reason for split is due to TDRA Committee been very adamant to replace all local guards (Malaysian) with foreign illegal guards. See for yourself who is manning all the guards post in Phase 2 which is managed by TDRA. All are foreign illegal. Also there other reason for the split is due to the decision of TDRA to scrap the security scheme and the reason given was due to shortage of fund. Which is again a lie on their side? Ms. Lina Koh again you got your fact wrong by claiming that the neighbourhood is divide into half by the new RA. Please be informed that TDRA have long ago split Taman Desa into two by naming it Phase 1 and Phase 2. How come you claim the new RA split it. All the four entrance is closed from 10pm to 06.00am and it’s been done purely for the reason of safety and security and not as per your claim for reducing operation cost. Why you never complain to TDRA about this when they were managing it? Why you never go to Malay Mail or other newspaper prior to this? Why now after almost one year suddenly you become a VERY concern residents? Have you EVER made any attempt to talk with the new RA? Please be rational Ms. Lina Koh Regarding your concern about the safety in case of an emergency; please be informed that Police, Bomba Taman Desa are already been informed and they are aware of this closure and we got the Bomba officers to come over to inspect the site and we are doing this taking into consideration all the safety aspect during any emergency. Again why now only you are complaining about this when the road closure already had been there almost a year?
Ms. Lina Koh, I am REALLY very surprise with your statement that “Our Children are also late for school” due to the road closure, we really did not know that people send their children to school before 06.00am. All entrances are opened by 06.00am and I TOTALLY disagree with your misleading statement. As far as I know only children in Johor Bahru who studies across the border in Singapore leaves for school as early as 4.30 to 5.00am but I am surprise that your children leaves before 6.00am for school.
Regarding your claim of laws, please be informed that there is no ANY law or bylaws to govern the “Guarded Neighbourhood Scheme” in this country. There is only merely a guidelines established by Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan. All arrangement are on Ad-hoc basics according to individual housing scheme according to localize needs. Guidelines are there merely to give a basic guidance in establishing a guarded neighbourhood scheme. Do you know that Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya has got different guidelines that allow permanent closure of roads within a Guarded Negihbourhood Scheme? Ms. Lina Koh, what is your problem if the RA decided to give a discount? Is there anything in the ROS Act mentioning that RA is NOT allowed to give a discount? Again I feel you are just a bull trying to create disharmony within the community and going around spreading malicious statement.
Ms Lina Koh, if you are really a resident of Phase 1, I think it is best you move out of this community and else just shut up and allow the community to take care of its safety and security. It looks like you are having a free ride on others to look after your safety and yet barking.Submitted by Phase 1 Resident on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.
Submitted by Phase 1 Resident on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.
Whoever made this complain-->
Whoever made this complain seems to have a personal motif and agenda to bring down the guarded neighbourhood scheme which has been in place for more than one year. Ms. Lina Koh, why only now you make complains after more than one year? It also means that you have been enjoying the security protection for the last one over year at free of cost. You seem to depending on others to protect you and your family safety and security. People who hade experience been robbed and snatch thief will understand the needs to protect their safety. I think people like you need to experience one of the bad experience others have faced in their life to make you feel the needs for security. I really feel sorry for people like you Submitted by Concern Phase 1 Resident on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
Submitted by Concern Phase 1 Resident on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
Those people who are keen to-->
Those people who are keen to engage paid security guards are simply self-centred. The community should organise volunteers like Rukun Tetangga and mingle amongst themselves, know each other and care for each other's well being. This is a more proactive and harmonious way of living and having security in a community. Nobody can live alone in this world not even Robinson Crusoe. Do you think money is good enough to buy security? Those security guards themselves are mostly foreigners or incompetent locals. You pay them money for being incompetent. Have you ever observe how the man the gates? Would they be able to distinguish between an outsider or a visitor? Would they be able to ask the pertinent questions to any starnger trying to enter? Would they be able to use common sense in an emergency? I don't think so. Their IQ are so low, that they won't understand what a procedure is. I have spoken to a few Nepalese and Bangla and they even admitted having affairs with some women in the community! Yes when the husbands are not around! Submitted by Nawawi on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
Submitted by Nawawi on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
I go to Phase 1 Taman Desa-->
I go to Phase 1 Taman Desa quite often to visit my friend and I am actually impressed with what they have done. They used to encounter many incidence of thefts, break-ins, muggings etc. in broad daylight! Many residents won't even allow their children out on the streets at nite. However all these changed since 1 April 2010 last year. They brought in Malaysian citizens as guards, developed Standard Operating Procedures and even formed a Rukun Tetangga to complement the guard services. The report is not entirely correct. The 4 gates that is purportedly closed are closed ONLY AT Night between 10.00pm and 6.00am. That too it is NOT LOCKED and there are adequate signages to direct traffic. I also understand that they have had ZERO crime since the program started. This was also carried in MM report on page 2, 19 July 2011.
From what I have seen and heard, the majority of the residents there are in full support. As a matter of fact I have overheard several other residents calling for more stringent procedures. Having the benefit of seeing both sides, I cannot help but feel sad to read comments passed by people who may not have first hand information and facts, As a matter of fact, I cannot help but sense complaints are made by people who do not live within the community hence unappreciative of what has been done.Submitted by Objective & Fair on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.
Submitted by Objective & Fair on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.
Dear En. Nawawi, I wondered-->
Dear En. Nawawi, I wondered if your house have ever been broken into. I speak on behalf of the many residents of Taman Desa, whose house have been broken into, not once, but several times. I do agree with you that "the community should organise volunteer like Rukun Tetangga and mingle amongst themselves, know each other and care for each other's well being." This the residents of Taman Desa Phase 1 HAVE done so, under "Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Taman Desa", Daerah Brickfields. However, we also feel that, despite having more than 25 volunteers in our housing scheme, we are unable to ensure a proper security watch for 24hrs, as we all have to earn a living in the day time. (for your info many break-ins occur during day time or during dinner time, when they observe families going out for dinners); that is why we need to engage Security Service Providers and work closely with the Security Guards.
Your point of guards being incompetent is not totally untrue, however, I always feel that they are paid to do a job, but they also need proper training and guidance; hence the Rukun Tetangga. We, at Taman Desa Phase 1 engage local guards only, for the simple reason that we can communicate with them and train them. It has been a challenge to train them to do a proper job, but we had the satisfaction that, although it is not perfect, we are quite pleased with the result thus far. (We had a clean record and had prevented a number of suspicious elements from loitering around our housing scheme) You must have had some bad experience with Security guards, and I too had some, that you choose to stereotype ALL guards to be INCOMPETENT. I agree, good ones are hard to come by, but there are good ones, and they are human beings, just like you and I, trying hard to earn a living to feed their family.
We welcome you to visit our scheme to observe for youself and listen to what we are trying to do, rather than being misinformed by one single complainant, whom have gotten many of the facts wrong. Finally, Quality Assurance is NOT just having procedures, but also providing proper training and ensuring adequate enforcement with quality checks. It is all very hard work, and we the residents at Taman Desa Phase 1, have given in a lot of time and effort to ensure we are living in a secure environment. Thank youSubmitted by Frank Yeh on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.
Submitted by Frank Yeh on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.
Hi Nawawi, I think you have-->
Hi Nawawi, I think you have Disgrace all the foreigners in this country. Regarding speaking to some Nepalese and Bangla guards, it must be a joke that the made of you by making such a claim. For your information we are using 100% Malaysian citizen guards. Also all of them are Malay. Please get the facts right before jumping the gun. Submitted by Concern Phase 1 Residents on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
Submitted by Concern Phase 1 Residents on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
City Hall please go down to-->
City Hall please go down to the site to ensure all are enforced accordingly dont just give lip service> Those who flout the law should always be caned instead of just reprimand them. That way nobody will dare to flout the law! Submitted by GOOD ADVICE on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
Submitted by GOOD ADVICE on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011.
Its all easier said than-->
Its all easier said than done. The Government has to first be clear about the law before execution. As it is, there are various standards being applied. Correct me if I am wrong, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government has thus far issued Guidelines ONLY. That's not law. Submitted by Clarity Over Certainty on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.
Submitted by Clarity Over Certainty on Wednesday, July 20th, 2011.