TDP1RA took over Taman Desa Phase 1 Security Service Management with effect from 12.00am 1 April 2011.
Tuah Guard (M) Sdn Bhd has been retained as the service provider to facilitate a smooth changeover whilst the new Committee reviews the existing Security Services' Terms of Reference.
We expect to complete the review within the next week or two and we shall be posting updates here on the blog. In the meantime, security operations remain status quo with adequate manpower.
today your street leader and volunteers came to my street. though many issues still not so clear to me, i'm quite certain of the security scheme is your top priority! i can see for myself how sincere and genuine your team is working on a purely voluntary basis, putting me to shame as i was having afternoon nap! what is clear is that i've heard enough rumours and poison-darts against you all from misguided neighbours & other residents. sad to say certain party is abusing the trust, loyalty and friendship of these residents and misguiding and ultimately harming them, using them to spread the rumours and poisons. i really feel very humble to see you guys working so hard and selflessly. what i can really say is i'll give my full support and please put the new sticker up fast on my gate as i've already paid up!