Thursday, 21 April 2011

Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Dialogue

The above event was held on Saturday, 16 April 2011 at the Taman Desa Community Hall. The event was jointly organized by the Rukun Tetangga Taman Desa (KRTTD) and the newly registered Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association (TDP1RA). The Saturday afternoon and the rain earlier in the afternoon did not dampen the spirit. It was indeed encouraging to have a total registration of 80 odd residents.
The residents were briefed of the background and plans of the KRTTD and TDP1RA. Interestingly, some basic demographic statistics were also presented for the first time ever to the residents. KRTTD is a Government Sponsored Organization which comes under the supervision of the Department Of Unity & National Integration which is directly under the purview of the Prime Minister’s Office whilst TDP1RA is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The primary focus of TDP1RA is Phase 1 Security & Safety. KRTTD’s focus is on Communal Programs for Taman Desa Residents and to support the Security with the Volunteer Patrolling Scheme.
Mr Siva, the Chairman of KRTTD also informed that KRTTD will be holding an Official Launch of KRTTD on 18 June 2011 at Jalan Desa Setia (the same venue of the recent Street Party). Invitations have been sent out to the Minister In The Prime Ministers’ Department as well as the Minister Of Federal Territories. Indicatively, both Ministers’ offices have given a favorable response.
The Committees of KRTTD and TDP1RA in response a question raised by participants stated that neither Organization have plans to take over the management of the Playground & Soccer Field together with the Community Centre (collectively known as the Padang) although it is officially classified under Phase 1. Both Committees had deliberated the matter and it was felt that the immediate attention and focus should be on Security & Safety. The Padang is a common facility that should be enjoyed by all. However some residents were shocked when informed that TDRA charges the KRTTD RM20.00 per hour for the usage of the Meeting Room and RM150.00 for the usage of the Community Hall.
The TDP1RA Committee also reported that since 2 April 2011 when Committee members started “street walking” to collect subscription for Security Services, a total of more than 150 subscribers have signed up and paid. Approximately 87% of the subscribers have opted for the 1 year subscription which comes with a 1 month discount.
ASP Ravin from the Brickfields District Police was gracious to give a talk on Crime Prevention. Among matters raised, he highlighted the fact that Security starts with the Individual and the Community collectively. He also impressed on the need for Self-Help Security Programs.
The local Bomba from the Klang Lama Station was also present to give residents a hands-on appreciation of fire prevention and a demonstration on basic fire fighting. Residents at the Playground during that time had the benefit of witnessing the demonstration.
The event finally ended with a simple buffet dinner for all those present and the last participants left at 9.00pm.

More Photos:


  1. Very good community event & dialogue session.
    Thanks for the Makan & drink!
    We would like to see some pics! Can you upload the pics taken on to this blog.

  2. Dear Resident more photos are available by clicking the link at the bottom of the news after the photos. You will find 2 link namely part 1 & part 2 which been uploaded is such manner due to space constrain. Enjoy viewing the photos. Hope to see in the future even organize by TDP1RA and KRTTD.
