Thursday, 28 April 2011


29th April 2011- As mentioned in our earlier circular to Residents and Subscribers, your Committee has been actively reviewing the above matter since taking over Phase 1 Security.

The performance of Tuah Guard (M) Sdn Bhd the service provider although extended was reviewed and several meetings were held since 1 April 2011. After much deliberation and consideration by both parties, Tuah Guard has decided to withdraw as a Service Provider and their withdrawal has been accepted by the Committee. Tuah Guard will be withdrawing its manpower effective 12.00am, 1 May 2011.

During Tuah Guard’s tenure as Service Provider there was only a single break-in reported in Phase 1 involving a non-subscriber and Tuah Guard personnel had thwarted several attempts of car thefts and potential break-ins. The Committee takes this opportunity to record its appreciation and thanks to Tuah Guard for its services rendered over the last 13 months.

Replacing Tuah Guard is Perisai Sepadu Security Sdn Bhd (Perisai). Perisai has agreed to a more stringent Service Level Warranty at a slightly higher rate of RM6.30 per hour inclusive of 6% Government Service Tax. The guards are 100% Malaysian and comply with the Security Act as well as guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

With effect from 1 May 2011 onwards, the manpower configuration shall be as follows:

6.00am to 10.00pm – 7 guards

10.00pm to 6.00am – 4 guards

Mobile patrolling shall be carried out together with clocking at selected locations throughout the day with increased frequencies at night.

Moving ahead, the Gate Pass System for vehicles without valid stickers will be implemented with effect from 1 June 2011. With this implementation, guards at posts WILL NOT just open the gates without first checking vehicles for a valid car sticker. As such residents are requested to exercise patience when approaching entry points into Phase 1.

Between now and 1 June 2011, the Committee is working to re-install the CCTV system at all Guard Posts which was previously removed by TDRA. The Committee has written to TDRA for the return and re-installation of the equipment. Regrettably, TDRA has chosen to remain silent and not respond to us up until now.

Nevertheless, the Committee has decided that regardless of TDRA’s action or inaction, the CCTV system need to be in place and shall endeavor to have it up and running. The Committee shall also be seeking legal counsel on this matter as the equipment was purchased by TDRA using funds collected from Phase 1 residents.

We shall keep you updated on this matter from time to time and we thank those who have subscribed and paid for their support. For those who have yet to subscribe, we look forward to your support to make Phase 1 Taman Desa a safer place to live and be part of the Community.

TDP1RA Committee

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Dialogue

The above event was held on Saturday, 16 April 2011 at the Taman Desa Community Hall. The event was jointly organized by the Rukun Tetangga Taman Desa (KRTTD) and the newly registered Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association (TDP1RA). The Saturday afternoon and the rain earlier in the afternoon did not dampen the spirit. It was indeed encouraging to have a total registration of 80 odd residents.
The residents were briefed of the background and plans of the KRTTD and TDP1RA. Interestingly, some basic demographic statistics were also presented for the first time ever to the residents. KRTTD is a Government Sponsored Organization which comes under the supervision of the Department Of Unity & National Integration which is directly under the purview of the Prime Minister’s Office whilst TDP1RA is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The primary focus of TDP1RA is Phase 1 Security & Safety. KRTTD’s focus is on Communal Programs for Taman Desa Residents and to support the Security with the Volunteer Patrolling Scheme.
Mr Siva, the Chairman of KRTTD also informed that KRTTD will be holding an Official Launch of KRTTD on 18 June 2011 at Jalan Desa Setia (the same venue of the recent Street Party). Invitations have been sent out to the Minister In The Prime Ministers’ Department as well as the Minister Of Federal Territories. Indicatively, both Ministers’ offices have given a favorable response.
The Committees of KRTTD and TDP1RA in response a question raised by participants stated that neither Organization have plans to take over the management of the Playground & Soccer Field together with the Community Centre (collectively known as the Padang) although it is officially classified under Phase 1. Both Committees had deliberated the matter and it was felt that the immediate attention and focus should be on Security & Safety. The Padang is a common facility that should be enjoyed by all. However some residents were shocked when informed that TDRA charges the KRTTD RM20.00 per hour for the usage of the Meeting Room and RM150.00 for the usage of the Community Hall.
The TDP1RA Committee also reported that since 2 April 2011 when Committee members started “street walking” to collect subscription for Security Services, a total of more than 150 subscribers have signed up and paid. Approximately 87% of the subscribers have opted for the 1 year subscription which comes with a 1 month discount.
ASP Ravin from the Brickfields District Police was gracious to give a talk on Crime Prevention. Among matters raised, he highlighted the fact that Security starts with the Individual and the Community collectively. He also impressed on the need for Self-Help Security Programs.
The local Bomba from the Klang Lama Station was also present to give residents a hands-on appreciation of fire prevention and a demonstration on basic fire fighting. Residents at the Playground during that time had the benefit of witnessing the demonstration.
The event finally ended with a simple buffet dinner for all those present and the last participants left at 9.00pm.

More Photos:

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Return and Handing Over of Taman Desa Phase 1 CCTV Equipment

TDP1RA have officially written to TDRA on 13th April 2011 for the return and handover of the CCTV Systems that were remove by TDRA on 16th February 2011 from 5 guard post in Phase 1. We feel the need to bring the matter to a final closure & may whatever has happened be left as a milestone in history.

TDP1RA Committee

Friday, 15 April 2011

TDP1RA New House Badge

15th April 2011: Dear Fellow Residents, Please be informed that the existing house sticker is NOT VALID anymore.

We will be issuing the new house badge soon to residents that paid the security subscription fees. Looking forward your fullest cooperation in subscribing the security scheme to make our taman a safer place to live. Every resident should play their role in helping this scheme successful.

Thank you, TDP1RA Committee

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Briefing & Dialogue

12 April 2011

Dear Residents of Taman Desa,


You are cordially invited to the above event Jointly Organized by the Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Taman Desa and the newly registered Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association (TDP1RA) details as follows:

Date : Saturday, 16 April 2011

Time : 4.00PM to 6.30PM

We look forward to your presence at the above event. Buffet Dinner will be served after the briefing & dialog session.

Monday, 11 April 2011

More than 100 cheques collected - Achieving the first milestone

11th April 2011: Dear Residents, we glad to announce that we have achieved our first milestone of exceeding more than 100 subscribers on 09th April 2011. Our next milestone is to achieve more than 200 subscribers on or before 20th April 2011. In order to achieve these street leaders will be walking the streets every evening during week days and during weekends in the morning and evening.

Also we are glad to inform that the streets leaders managed to convince many earlier unsubscribing residents to join the Guarded Neighbourhood scheme that is been managed by Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association.

TDP1RA Committee

“Guarded Neighbourhood”- Support Letter from Brickfields District Police

11th April 2011: Dear Residents, Please find enclose the support letter obtained from Brickfields district Police for taking over of Phase 1 “Guarded Neighbourhood Scheme” from TDRA starting from 01st April 2011.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

TDP1RA New Car Stickers

Dear Fellow Residents, Please be informed that the existing car stickers is NOT VALID anymore. We will be issuing the new car stickers soon to residents that paid the security subscription fees. Looking forward your fullest cooperation in subscribing the security scheme to make our taman a safer place to live. Every resident should play their role in helping this scheme successful.

Thank you,

TDP1RA Committee

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


05th April 2011: We have been silent for the last 2 days as we have been very concerned by some feedback which we received during our rounds. We were shocked and appalled by the nature of the comments and we thank our neighbours for their honesty and forthrightness. We uphold the principle of Transparency and Community before Self in our efforts to make Taman Desa a safer place to call home and hopefully, An Address of Choice in Kuala Lumpur.

Having deliberated and weighed the pros and cons, it was collectively decided that we share it with all. We were informed that certain quarters have used racial intonation on the Security Services.

We are appalled by such attempts be it intended or otherwise. In this day and age, as responsible adults and being Malaysians in particular should appreciate racial intonations MUST NEVER be used for any purpose. It is very sad that within the Taman Desa Community exist such person(s) with such shallow thinking and malicious minded.

For the record, the Security Service Provider, Tuah Guard (M) Sdn Bhd is a 100% Bumiputera Company which has been in business for 36 years. The Security Guards for Taman Desa Phase 1 are recruited not based on any particular race or creed. They are employed to do a job and that’s it. They either perform or they don’t. Hence the sudden increase in the number of non-Malay guards does not mean there is a policy of reducing the number of Malay personnel. It is not about Indian Security vs. Non-Indian Security.

If possible, we would like to see Security Guards of various races – so long as they are MALAYSIANS and NOT Foreigners who neither understand our culture nor speak our language(s). Worse still, unsure if they are adequately vetted for Security and Health.

We do not wish to elaborate any further on this matter. We sincerely hope that all members of the Community will advise any person(s) who attempt to play the racial card to IMMEDIATELY CEASE doing so and if necessary, to stay away from such person(s).

Thank you

The Committee


Monday, 4 April 2011

Encouraging Respond From The Residents

04/04/2011: For the past two days our street leaders are going round doing collection from residents and along the process trying to coax non-paying residents to join in. Yesterday our street leaders made two trips, one in the morning and evening.

In the morning 6 of they covered certain part of Jalan Desa Damai and got quite a good respond. Also during this process they were asked by residents about the many circulars that were flying at the end of last month. Many are still dazed why of sudden now two Residents Association scrambling to provide service to the Phase 1 residents? It looks like residents in Phase 1 are been given such huge priority lately and not last few years. They walk about two hours and visited around 15 houses of 3 houses only the maids around and the remaining agreed to join.

In the evening 7 of the street leaders hit the street and this time around they covered a part of Lingkungan Desa and manage to visit 20 houses and 19 of them agreed to subscriber and only one resident said he need some time to digest the whole scenario and will responds to us within next one or two weeks time. Again this resident is dazed with all the circulars that he been receiving lately. Looks like he become a victim of the attempt by certain individuals from Phase 1 & 2 going around "lobbying" residents to subscribe to TDRA's Security Scheme.

Monday (04/04/11) a total of 4 Street leaders tried their luck at Jalan Desa Ria 2 and again fantastic responds. Visited about 12 houses and 10 agreed to subscribe except two of which one is a tenant who is moving out soon and one resident who says that her daughter need to make the decision. Hopefully this resident will also join in. Another group of 3 street leaders went around Jalan Desa Murni and visited 5 houses and got 4 residents to subscriber and one resident says that she need to speak with her husband.

From feedbacks receive from the ground, majority of the residents are very please with TDP1RA formation and they are willing to participate and make it successful. Hopefully with everyone blessing we can make our residential area a safer and better place to live.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

TDP1RA Takes Over Phase 1 Security Services from TDRA

TDP1RA took over Taman Desa Phase 1 Security Service Management with effect from 12.00am 1 April 2011.

Tuah Guard (M) Sdn Bhd has been retained as the service provider to facilitate a smooth changeover whilst the new Committee reviews the existing Security Services' Terms of Reference.

We expect to complete the review within the next week or two and we shall be posting updates here on the blog. In the meantime, security operations remain status quo with adequate manpower.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Complaint or Sabotage?

01st April 2011- 11.05 am: Received a call from Corporal Anuar of Taman Desa Police Station informing that he have been receiving many complaints about Boom Gates at Phase 1 being closed from 08.00pm onwards. This is obviously NOT TRUE as Gates are NEVER CLOSED that early.

It appears that whoever lodged this Complaint is either Hallucinating or just out to sabotage our Taman Desa Phase 1 Residents Association which officially took over the management of Security Services within the Guarded Neighbourhood in Phase 1 with effective today (01st April 2011). (We believe it is more of the latter than the former)

Mr. Jack Lew- President TDP1RA will be personally attending to this issue. He will be organizing a meeting with Taman Desa Police Station to brief them on the New Standard Operation Procedures with regards Security Services within the Guarded Neighbourhood in Phase 1.