15th June 2012
Ref: Announcement- Road Access
Restriction and Wave Access Card
view of the recent increase in crime rate at Taman Desa and its surrounding area,
TDP1RA is planning to enhance the security level within the guarded community
scheme by implementing the following measures with effective from 01st
August 2012 subject to obtaining 85% support from residents and house
owners within phase 1 guarded neighbourhood. These measures are
consistent with the request of all Subscriber Residents within guarded
Road access limitation as per:
1. Entry point through Jalan Desa Aman will be
closed permanently to all traffics. Fencing with proper gates will be installed
with keys to the gate will be given to residents residing nearby to the gate
for usage during emergency situation. Also patrolling security officer will be
carrying the key to the gate at all time.
2. 2 points of ingress & egress at:
Jalan Desa Setia
Jalan Desa Murni
will remain open from 06.00hrs to 22.00hrs and
accessible ONLY by residents with
wave access card. Residents without wave access card and visitors are
not allowed to use these two points of ingress and egress. Security guards will
still be manning these two points of ingress and egress.
3. Entry point at Jalan Desa Permai(junction of
Jalan Desa Bahagia) is accessible to all traffics from 06.00hrs to 22.00hrs and
will be manned by security guards.
4. 2 point of ingress and egress at:
Jalan Desa Permai(junction
of Jalan Desa Utama)
Jalan Desa Ria(junction of
Jalan Desa Jaya)
will remain open 24/7 and accessible to
all traffics.
5. Residents without wave access card and visitors are allowed
to entry and exit through both end of Jalan Desa Permai and Jalan Desa Ria
which will still manned by security guards.
6. Visitors will required to state their intention of entering
the guarded neighbourhood before they are allowed to enter and they will be
given placards that they need to drop inside a placard box at the point of exit.
7. The guards on duty at ingress and egress points at both end
of Jalan Desa Permai and Jalan Desa Ria will open the boom gate manually for
residents without wave access card and visitors to enter and exit.
8. Any suspicious vehicle entering these ingress points after 2200hrs
will be escorted to the said location that they intend to visit.
9. All subscribing residents with wave access card are
required to display their car stickers on the windscreen of their vehicle for
easy identification by the guards on duty.
the above mention proposal is still in the planning process and is targeting
for implemented by 01st August 2012, TDP1RA will be going through
the following process:
a) Distribution of this circular to all residents and also
uploading it into www.tdp1ra.blogspot.com. Security patrolling officers on duty will be going house to
house to deliver this circular.
b) Setting up of complain sub-committee to handle all
complaints, objection and views from all residents. This sub-committee will
setup a counter at Taman Desa Community Hall every Sunday from 24th June to 22nd
July 2012 between 10.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm.
c) Residents that are not agreeable and object to the proposed
measures are required to fill up their details in the objection list and form
that will be made available at the complaint counter. The protest period will
be from 22nd June to 22nd July 2012. All protest after
that period is considered null and void.
d) Residents that are not able to make it on Sundays are
required to contact any of the following TDP1RA committee members to fix an
appointment to meet the sub-committee to lodge your objections:
Mr. Wong Chee How ( No. 1 Desa Damai)- 012-3822528
Mr. Ng Yoke Mun- (No. 10 Desa Murni)- 012-
Mr. Wong Chiew Pin- (99 Desa Utama)- 012-
Mr. Pong ( No. 20 Desa Ria 2)- 012-
Mr. Frank Yeh (No. 115 Lingkungan Desa)-
012- 2101150
e) Residents who require further clarification of the proposed
measures are also welcomed to visit the counter on Sunday from 24th June to 22nd
July 2012.
At the end of protest period (22nd
July 2012) the TDP1RA committee members will tabulate the total complain and
protest received by the sub-committee to get the actual number of residents
that have raised their objection.
g) If the numbers of
objection is less than 15% of the total residents within the guarded
neighborhood than, will proceed with the implementation of the proposed new
h) TDP1RA will officially notify DBKL, Police, Bomba and other
relevant authorities about the implementation.
Installation of the fencing, gate and
the wave access card system will take place.
Briefing session on the usage of wave
access card to all participating residents will be conducted.
k) Simultaneously the wave access cards will be distributed to
all participating residents.
Two weeks trial period will be conducted
to get the residents familiarize with the new measures and also the usage of
wave access card.
m) Full-fledged
implementation will take place upon the completion of trial period.
milestones of the process implantation of “Road Access Restriction and Wave Access Card System” as per
a) 18th June to 21st June 2012-
distribution of circular to all residents within the guarded neighbourhood.
b) 24th June to 22nd July 2012- protest
and objection period
c) 23rd July 2012- TDP1RA committee will tabulate the
total complains and objection received and decide to either to go ahead or call
off the implementation based on the total number of objection receive.
d) 24th July 2012 Official notification to all
residents the final decision of the proposed implantation.
e) 25th July to 30th July 2012- TDP1RA
will officially notified all relevant authorities if it is been decided to go
ahead with the implementation.
25th July to 30th
July 2012- Installation of the fencing, gate and the wave access card system
will take place.
g) 25th July to 15th August 2012- Accept,
process and distribution of wave access card
h) 1st August to 15th August 2012- Trial
period will be conducted to get the residents familiarize with the new measures
and also the usage of wave access card.
16th August 2012- Full-fledged
implementation of the “Road Access Restriction and Wave Access Card System” will commence.
Do contact us if you may have any questions about
the above matter and we’ll be happy to discuss it. We appreciate your support and we
look forward to your full cooperation in making our community the ideal place
to reside for you and your family.
Many times, we have forgotten how to live as a
community and are insistent of having the rights of the individual upheld above
all else. In a crowded residential neighbourhood as ours, it may sometimes do
well for us to accept a little bit of inconvenience for the sake of the larger
community. It is simply an act of good neighbourliness,”
Yours Sincerely,
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